Get Started with Blinn Online
Earning your degree or college credit online may be easier than you think, but still requires time management, self motivation, organization skills to succeed. Find out if you are ready for online learning by completing the SmarterMeasure assessment. SmarterMeasure indicates a learner's level of readiness to study online and/or in a technology rich environment. Your SmarterMeasure score will not prevent you from registering for online classes. It is a tool that will help you assess your strengths and opportunities for growth related to online learning.
First Time Users: Your username is the semester you are enrolling in plus the year (e.g. Spring2019).* Your password is blinn.
*Note: Winter Minimester students should use the log in for the upcoming Spring semester, and May Minimester students should use the log in for the upcoming Summer semester.
Returning Users: If you choose to stop at any time, a PIN number will be sent to your email. Use your PIN and email to log back in.